Export Import Bank Reauthorization To Boost U.S. Exports

Export Import BankAfter the most contentious debate in years, legislation reauthorizing the Export Import Bank was officially signed into law during a recent White House Ceremony.    The reauthorization measure raises the EX-IM Bank’s lending limit from $100 to $140 million over the next three years and includes new auditing requirements to ensure EX-IM resources are used in a prudent manner.  This year’s reauthorization required some unusual election year bipartisanship on the Hill, coupled with lobbying efforts by groups such as the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  According to an official statement issued by NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons, the EX-IM Bank directly supports over 290,000 U.S. jobs that are tied to the export sector.

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Export Import Bank Reauthorization To Boost U.S. Exports